Friendsgiving NYC, Brunch, Seafood Brunch

My Friendsgiving 2019 with these very special ladies will go down as one of the best days ever. I was so honored to host a few of the women in my life, that make it interesting, bearable and most of all, a loving testament to women supporting women.

Some of them I travel with, some I share intimate thoughts with, and there’re others that are like sisters. This brunch was a way for me to show my gratitude to God for these phenomenal women. Also a way to thank him for blessing me with opportunities, and life events that I only dreamed of.

Friendsgiving 2019, special ladies, brunch,Friendsgiving, Brunch, NYC Girls Brunch

A friend of mines recently said “at this stage of my life relationships are important, and I do everything humanly possible to hold on to them”. I shared with her that I felt the same exact way. Good friends are not easy to come by. When real, honest connections are made, we must appreciate them.

I don’t share much about my family, but here’s a tidbit.  Both my parents and two sisters are deceased. I miss them so much. Combine that with family members scattered about the country, and a couple of strained relationships amongst them, and Thanksgiving hasn’t been the most fun lately. Can we all just get along?! Lol!

Friendsgiving, Brunch, Friends

I thank God for my two children during the holidays, even though they are grown, they are not married. They also don’t have children of their we are each others

These are a few of the reasons why I value these God ordained connections called friends. One of my sister/mother friends that attended is almost eighty years old, but she’s not pictured because she arrived a bit late. This woman is loving, funny, beautiful, and so youthful. Most of all she is filled with wisdom, and is always dropping gems in my lap. I love her to pieces.

During this holiday season, don’t forget to show a little extra love to those friends that hold you down all year. The old friends..the new friends..the tried and true friends, they’re all a gift..that keeps on giving.

PC: @wildnyc

I hope you guys enjoyed this post.

Until our next stylish always loves, stay inspired



