Fall Outfits, Beautiful NYC Streets, Sweaters, Corduroy Culottes, Beautiful Doors

Fall Outfits, Beautiful NYC Streets, Sweaters, Corduroy Culottes, Suede Wedge Boots

The holiday day season is upon us, and this weekend a lot of people are dressing up, and heading to halloween parties. Some might even call this the official start of the holiday season. This time of the year brings so much joy to many, but it also stirs up tons of mixed emotions for others. Thanksgiving and Christmas are right around the corner, and along with it comes all the expectations and fanfare of huge family gatherings, and gift giving. It’s been coined “the most wonderful time of the year”.  But, it can be extremely difficult for the people that don’t have family or friends to celebrate with. And of course there are individuals who choose not to travel home, or celebrate for whatever reasons, during the holidays.

 Let’s talk about the people who don’t have anyone for a moment.  These are the people that are heavy on my heart and mind during this time of  the year. In the past I would buy toys for a drive, or donate money to a charity. This season I want to do something more hands on..something that helps someone on a more personal level. I want to give, but I also want to connect with people. I want to offer a smile, or just wish someone a happy holiday. My plan is to continue donating like I’ve done in the past, but this year I’ll also include some outreach work in the streets of New York.

On the days leading up to Thanksgiving and Christmas, I’ll make bagged meals, and toiletries to distribute through out the streets..to anyone in need. This will give me the opportunity to say hello, ask how they’re doing, and wish them a happy holiday, which I feel is so important. Its also very important that we take notice of our neighbors, coworkers and the elderly during this season. If we can, lets make sure that they are not alone. Invite someone over for thanksgiving, or Christmas dinner. When your’e out shopping, pick up a little something extra to gift someone.

These are just a few ways I plan on giving back during this holiday season. We all can do something to help someone. Giving back definitely doesn’t have to include spending money. Like I stated earlier, just saying hello, or happy holidays, is a gift that we all can give. Lets start this holiday season off the best way we can..thinking of others.

Fall Outfits, Corduroy Culottes, Suede Boots,

Fall Outfits, Beautiful NYC Streets, Floral Walls, Beautiful Doors

Photos: @breatheinmoments

Until our next stylish encounter, as always loves..stay inspired


