How To Dress Your Age, Crop Tops, White Pants, Designer Totes, Leather Slides

Wearing crop tops after 50 might be taboo for some, but not for this gal. If you guys are wondering what’s considered a crop top, its a top that hits north of your This item of clothing has unofficially been reserved for females under thirty for decades. I’ve always though that was the most absurd thing ever, but I still managed to conform to this notion in the past. The subject of what’s appropriate to wear after a woman reached a certain age, is a touchy one to say the least. Nowadays most women wear what the hell they want. There was a time when this definitely wasn’t the norm though. If a “mature” woman wore a top that bared any portion of her midriff, she would more than likely get the side eye from her peers.

How To Dress Your Age, Crop Tops, Designer Totes, White pants, Leather Slides

How To Dress Your Age, Crop Tops, White Pants, Designer Totes, Leather Slides

Crop tops, designer totes, white pants, leather slides

Wearing Crop Tops After 50, White Pants, Leather Slides, Designer Totes, YSL Totes

Thank God most of us have evolved. There are still a handful of people, men and women alike, who are haters (I’m just saying). They’re stuck on what their mothers, grandmothers and great grandmothers and fathers believed. But we’re living in a time of individual freedom and creativity, especially when it pertains to fashion. Personally, I’m a firm believer that if you feel good in your clothes and you’re not indecently exposed, may the force be with you.

I hadn’t worn a crop top in many years, until I came across this baby here. This top spoke to me in a way that woke up my sense of adventure. I thought it was so freakin gorgeous. It can be styled so many different ways, and I knew without a doubt it was going home with this fifty plus woman. Now I’m on the hunt for more fabulous crop tops. Although this one sold out like immediately, I’ve linked a few of my faves below, that I think you guys will love. Whatever you wear, add the three accessories that will make any outfit look  great..boldness, confidence and love.

How To Dress Your Age, Crop Tops, White Pants, Designer Totes, Leather Slides

Photos: @wildnyc

Until our next stylish always loves, stayed inspired






