When my children were very young I would encourage them to use the bathroom before we left out for any substantial length of time. Of course, I would do this to prevent any accidents, or also finding myself in a tailspin looking for a public restroom. Now at 56, my daughter gives me the same look when we’re about to set out on our  excursions, and reminds me to not drink too much water. Then she politely adds that perhaps I should use the bathroom before we leave. Talk about a full circle moment.

Since experiencing symptoms like frequent trips to the restroom, and the sense of urgency to empty my bladder, I’m currently seeking medical attention. When I mentioned this to one of my closest friends, and then to one of my coworkers, I got almost the same exact response from them both. At first, they looked a bit shocked that I was bringing up this subject, but also looked a bit relieved that I was sharing this with them. They too were experiencing similar symptoms.

Far too often as women we are ashamed to talk about changes in our bodies, especially those that might be related to the aging process. We’re suffering in silence, only sharing with our doctors or significant others. Overactive bladder (OAB) affects more women than you would think, and we need to talk about it. We need to have these conversations with other women. When we share our experiences, it not only opens doors for help and emotional healing. We also learn that we’re not alone, and that in itself is an awesome form of support.

If you have (OAB) and want a safe non- judgmental place to share, and listen to other women share their experiences with Overactive Bladder (OAB) head over to Bladderchatter.com and join the community. You’ll also find articles about (OAB) that are a wealth of information. Let’s get the conversation around (OAB) started ladies, and keep it going.

This post is sponsored by Bladder Chatter.

PC: @Wildnyc

I hope you guys enjoyed this post.

Until our next stylish encounter, as always loves..stay inspired.


